NEW RELEASE: The Little Ones "Ordinary Song"

Little1s_ord1Little1s_ord2 This showstopper of a video from directing team Terri Timely is pretty gosh darn delightful. Essentially the music video equivalent of a Russian nesting doll, the walls and confines for each scene breaks away to reveal the next — similar in style and construct to Michel Gondry's Bjork video "Bachelorette," and the recent spate of AT&T commercials directed by Wes Anderson. The storyline following the progress of this "Ordinary Song" by The Little Ones from a recording session to the point where it seeps out into the populace and becomes the soundtrack of our lives. --> watch "Ordinary Song"

The Little Ones "Ordinary Song" (Heavenly/Astralwerks)
Terri Timely, director/production co | Donivan Sell , DP | Zoe Kim and Sarah Applebaum, production design
