NEW RELEASE: Vampire Weekend "Mansard Roof"

Vampires At Sea Once upon a time, a band called Duran Duran cruised around exotic, tropical waters and looked as dapper and classy as could be, epitomizing the glamor and opulence once associated with the music business. Flash forward to now and bear witness to buzz band Vampire Weekend setting sail on a glorified dinghy along the dilapidated New Jersey shoreline. Have budgets truly fallen so far? Is it a metaphor for the overall state of the music business? Or, is it an ironic nod by a indie band poking fun at the Big Pimpin excesses that were never gonna be their brand of cool anyway? --> watch "Mansard Roof" via YouTube or MTV

Vampire Weekend "Mansard Roof" (XL/Beggars)
Alexis Boling, director | Harmonium Films & Music, production co
