SHOT: Akon - Gil Green, director

Director Gil Green has returned from a two week trip to Ghana as part of an effort to increase the quality of videos shot in the region, sponsored by MTV's African property MTV base, the Ghanian Ministry of Tourism and the NYU program in Ghana.

The director ran numerous workshops for film students at the NYU Ghana campus and then allowed the  group to co-produce and co-direct videos — under the name The Red, Gold and Gil Green — for both international star Akon and local artist Tic Tac featuring Batman. Gil Green filming AkonThe videos were shot in Ghana's capital city Accra and the coastal region of Elmina. MTV base filmed all the activities for a forthcoming "Making Of" special. -- see photo of Gil Green working the camera as Akon performs

artist: Akon
song: "Mama Africa"
label: SRC/Universal   
director(s): Gil Green
production co: Partizan

Tags: Geffen, Universal