WATCH IT: Anj "Gorbachov"

Anj_gorba1Anj_gorba2 What do you get when you combine an ex-Russian president, communist zombies, Twinkies and women with giant jugs? You get the greatest music video ever created. Tom Stern's music video for the Russian metal group Anj creates a cartoonish world where the pinko undead prey on unsuspecting proletariat Hooters waitresses. Who will come to their aid? None other than a well-oiled, Conan the Barbarian-esque version of Mikael Gorbachev who can fry ghouls by firing lasers from his eyes. The video combines kitschy effects with propaganda posters, as well as an Adult Swim sense for the surreal. It's uncertain whether the band is in on the joke, which only makes it funnier. [review by Josh Forbes*]--> watch "Gorbachev"

Anj "Gorbachev" - Tom Stern, director

*Josh Forbes covers the videos he wants to cover in this special week as guest blogger on Videostatic...
