WATCH IT: Bloc Party "Signs"

Bloc Party Signs We've seen singing nipples in a video before and everybody has long got over the shock of Sharon Stone uncrossing her legs in Basic Instinct. I won't ruin the big reveal, but, let's just say that we've never seen lips like this in a music video, I don't think. Director Hiro Murai imagines a literal merging of mankind and music in this video for an Armand Van Heldon remix of Bloc Party "Signs." Disco balls and speaker cones for heads, flashing LED meters for verterbrae and jacks for the men and multiple inputs for the ladies. It's like a wet dream for all those audiphile who wish they could truly couple with their beloved speakers and turntables. --> watch "Signs"


Bloc Party "Signs" (Wichita UK/Atlantic US)
Hiro Murai, director* | Ross Girard, producer | Jill Kaplan/Skyway, commissioner | Ghost Town Media, FX | *Hiro Murai is signed with Partizan
