WATCH IT: Saxon "Live To Rock"

Saxon_riff Not the first or the last Guitar Hero music video parody, but kick ass for two main reasons:

  1. It's from the classic NWOBHM* band Saxon (*OK, they were on a wave that never quite hit US shores)
  2. The fictional "Riff King" game from this "Live To Rock" video ties in with an actual Riff King contest, in which fans or aspiring shredmasters can record their own solos over a special version of the song onto a video camera and upload the clips to YouTube. Semi-finalists will be determined by vote totals at the YouTube RiffKing channel — with some cool prizes, including a Dean Flying V guitar and VIP tickets to the legendary Wacken Open Air metal festival — while a special prize doled out by the band members themselves will allow one lucky and talented shredder to become a member of Saxon for one day and perform on stage with them at a concert.

The actual video for the song is a tale of two Bill and Ted types who get to live their rock n roll dreams via the game, without ever leaving their couch. It's a metaphor for what could happen to you, if you dare to, strap it on and shred along with Saxon. --> watch "Live For Rock"


Saxon "Live To Rock" (SPV/Steamhammer)
Bill Schacht, director | Aestheticom, production co | Niklas Nyberg, DP | Putte Nicander, editor |Julien Bovet, graphics | Steve Woodruff, Johannes Edberg, Putte Nicander, 3D
