Jehnny Beth "We Will Sin Together" (Tom Hingston and Markus Lehtonen, dir.)

Jehnny Beth - We Will Sin Together

"We Will Sin Together" uitilizes a 3D capture of Jehnny Beth in an artistic and hypnotic encounter between her and a man, with references to religious and ancient iconographies.

Tom Hingston, director:  "The embodiment of different voices, and this whole notion of embracing the masculine and feminine characteristics of identity was the main starting point for us. The record has an attitude and a driving intent – there is a rawness from her lyrics and the production which doesn’t sound like anything you’ve heard before. We spent time researching individuals who have studied and celebrated the physical form, and most importantly those who have immortalised human figures through their work – for instance the great Renaissance and Flemish sculptors such as Cellini and Giambolgona. Specifically how they had reinterpreted the human form through stone or marble and the behaviour of that material. We also referenced image makers such as the German photographer Leni Riefenstahl (her study of the Nuba tribes) and George Platt Lynes."

Production Company
Director of Photography
Editing Company