Rebecca Black

She's Back > Rebecca Black & Dave Days "Saturday" (Chris Greider, dir.)

Will Rebecca Black be making her way through all the days of the week? Will there be a Bloomies underwear of the day tie-in? Will this thing chart thanks to the YouTube impact on the Hot 100? 

And can Rebecca possible top the pop culture phonemon of "Friday," especially when she's clearly progressed beyond "so awkward it's good" territory?

PS: This is already 9 million views strong after just a couple days...

Rebecca Black Finally Confronts The Horror That Is "Friday"

Here's a scary thought: "Friday" would have definitely been a Top 40 hit if it had been released after Billboard Magazine instituted their "let's count viral video views" into their chart formula.

Also scary: The video itself, which apparently also strikes a heart of darkness within Rebecca Black, who watches her video two and a half years later and seems equally thrilled and appalled by it all.