Hey Beautiful Jerk

VIDEO PREMIERE: Indianapolis Jones "Not Ghosts Yet" (Hey Beautiful Jerk, dir.)

Indianapolis Jones is led by singer/songwriter Nicholas Niespodziani. That's him jumping rope. Day-Glo, trippy, amazing rope.

And, as you can (maybe?) tell, this ain't his first experience with this underrated sport/artform — his old band Y-O-U made a mockumentary about fake rope jumping team The Flying Wallabies, presumably based upon his time in the Jumphound Gang, a competitive jump-rope team, and competering in the US Nationals of rope jumping. Which sounds like a goof, but really: What would anyone get out of inventing a fictional jump rope backstory? 

"Not Ghosts Yet" is also a family affair: Nick's sister Gina Niespodziani is part of directing/creative team Hey Beautiful Jerk, with Mark Szumski, and also chips in on the rope jumping.