Paul O'Reilly

Milky Chance "Cocoon" (Davis Silis, dir.)

Davis Sillis, director: "We think of cocoons as a source of comfort and protection. Where we can isolate ourselves from the dangers of the outside world. But I wanted to explore another side of what can happen when we isolate ourselves so much, we become capable of doing the unimaginable. Using classic fairytale tropes, the idea was to create a video that felt like a visual antithesis to the music, densely packed with metaphor."

Disclosure "You & Me" (Luke Monaghan, dir.)

Disclosure – You + Me

Rokkit's Luke Monaghan follows up on his "White Noise" promo with this character led video for Disclosure's new single ‘You & Me’.  We follow a young couple leaving their day-to-day lives for a wild trek, drive, fly, ferry, quad-bike across Europe. Culminating in a banging warehouse gig, they experience the highs and lows of a relationship on the road.