WATCH IT: Audio Bullys "Only Man" (Jonas & Francois, dir.)

Anyone remember the Sir Mix-A-Lot classic, "Put Em On The Glass"? Well, this is nothing like that, but the song title does explain the basic thrust of this Audio Bullys video directed by Jonas & Francois. A clear partition blocking off the camera serves mainly as a place to display a series of some creatively decorated sneakers, where the tread patterns are in the form of various images that relate to the lyrics. Some of the tread patterns are logo parodies and homages to famous images — I personally like the Joy Division reference — while others form musical instruments and notes and a whole lot more. All in all, it's sort of sequel to the directors' epic T-shirt animated Justice "D.A.N.C.E." video, making one wonder what piece of apparel they'll next bring to wild life. --> watch "Only Man"


Audio Bullys "Only Man"
Jonas & Francois, director | Jules Dieng, producer | El Nino, production co | Doomsday Ent, rep | Julien Meurice, DP 



unheardtv's picture
4.1 thumbs up out of 5
Yves Peters's picture
You can find a frame-by-frame analysis of all those sneaker soles on The FontFeed. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Steven Gottlieb's picture
Holy crap, that is great.
Kasia's picture