Alex Bittan

Grouplove "Shark Attack" (Cameron Duddy, dir.)

Every great trick carries the illusion of risk, but things could get truly dangerous when a magician switches Grouplove with two extremely dissimilar bands — one Mariachi, the other Ugandan metal — much to the displeasure of all involved.

PS: That's John Hawkes as the magician. Depending on your cultural level, you know him as either an award winning film actor, or as Kenny Power's brother on Eastbound & Down.

Panic! at the Disco "Girls/Girls/Boys" (D Jay Brawner, dir.)

Right there on the YouTube page, singer Brendon Urie celebrates that the inspiration for his latest torso-baring clip for Panic! at the Disco is everyone's favorite D'Angelo video. Director D Jay Brawner makes sure to give the fans everything (or alllmost everything) they want from this sexy one-taker, assuming the fans don't really want to look at anyone else in the band.

Panic At The Disco "This Is Gospel" (Daniel Cloud Campos, dir.)

This is Gospel is pretty amazing. Director Daneiel Cloud Campos has singer Brendon Urie caught between life and death, not necessarily afraid, but also clearly not into either options. The predicaments plays out through a series of metaphorical set-ups — the water and rope sequences are particularly beautiful — until it reaches the white screen of death.