Not sure if Baba Booey catcalls rain down at El Coke Boys Classico, but pretty sure El Draké and French Montaña would be as cool with that as they are with all the other usual golf course no-no's that take place on these links.
Machine Gun Kelly is One Punch Kells an accomplished boxer who needs to take a fall in this homage to the movie Snatch. MGK/OPK rocks an unothrodox, yet utterly condident style — dude walks into the ring with a spliff — which is maybe why he decides to instead bet on himself.
Call this "The Unofficial Visitor's Guide to Cleveland", courtesy of one of its native sons. Just straight-up gritty and real, unlike another certain "unofficial" tourism video.
Hip Hop as nothing more than a Game Of Thrones? Welcome to The North, where the artist formally known as Puff Daddy and then Diddy and now Puff Daddy again stakes out his throne with the help of Meek Mill.
PS: Between Diddy rewinding his name back to Puff Daddy, and this video's obvious callback to the "Hypnotize" video intro, I think we can safely say that the Bad Boy swagger is mounting a comeback.
The crossover playbook is in full effect here: Machine Gun Kelly is definitely a rapper, but looks like a rocker, and the song has Sleeping With Sirens emo screamer Kellin Quinn helping push the 2005 hit Rise Against ballad "Swing Life Away" into a nü-metal territory. The video itself is a crossroads story — with a screenplay by MGK himself — thinking back on his life and what should come next.