
Beyonce Surprise Releases Visual Album Today With Videos for Every Song

It takes balls to release something this ambitious on Friday the 13th. Or rather, it takes Beyonce.

Beyonce's fifth album, Beyonce, arrives today without forewarning, without any formal pre-promotion, and without any leaks. How sly was the release? She hasn't even mentioned it on Twitter — or anything, for that matter since mdi-August.

It's a seismic release that upends nearly every rule held sacred in the music business-as-usual:

Beyonce "Standing On The Sun (H&M spot)" (Jonas Akerlund, dir.)

Beyoncé in H&M Summer Collection 2013

It's technically not a music video. But it's Beyonce performing the bulk of new song "Standing On The Sun" and it's directed by music video fave Jonas Akerlund. And that's without even mentioning how little the diva is wearing here (which is all the more ironic since it's meant to sell clothing).

Beyonce "Mirrors [Pepsi spot]" (Jake Nava, dir.)

Pepsi Beyoncé "Mirrors" - Official 2013 video - #BeyHereNow

Even if "Embrace your past, but live for now" feels like a generic tagline some Mad Man has been pitching for years until Pepsi decided to drink the Kool-Aid (I mean, soda), it makes for an excellent Beyonce commercial that has her literally confronting her music past. All the old Bey' looks are nailed perfectly, which is no surprise, since spot director Jake Nava also directed "Single Ladies," "Crazy In Love" and several other videos for the pop music megastar.