Every good Hollywood story starts with a body in a pool, whether it be Sunset Boulevard or this new A$AP Rocky video with Miguel, Mark Ronson and Rod Stewart. The Sunset/A$AP connections don't stop there either, as it slowly becomes clear that "Everyday" is also about an aging star who's staying ready — by any magical, or surgical means available — for when that spotlight returns.
Some supremely creepy FX let's can see what people look like when they get infected with a bit of Drake. Some of the Drake-ified notables here include Oprah, Justin Bieber, OJ in the White Bronco, Toronto mayor Rob Ford and even a Ken doll. But, of most interest to you are likely the video parodies, which include Miley Cyrus in "Wrecking Ball" and Kanye in "Bound 2".
A fitting music video for Groundhog Day, or anyone who has experienced the Sisyphus process of getting a loan. Let's just say that nothing works for our anti-hero: Not charm, not force, and certainly not stripping down.
What colour do you see when you reach your, uh, happy place? A couple discusses the issue but then decides to just find out for themselves in this surreally erotic and very NSFW video.
You can watch this and wonder where the money to do something this big came from, or how they pulled off each sequence, or even what it all means. I suggest you just sit back and take it all in as you back your way out of the usually unseen controlling apparatus of a futuristic society.