Now that she has a Driver's License — and a smash hit with that song — of course Olivia Rodrigo is ready to go for a drive. This dreamy/glitchy video also dips into themes of memory and voyeurism that culminate in a sort of merging of identities.
A video within a video in which the rehearsals become the actual video as the "actresses" vie to become the new love interest for Moodoid's frontman Pablo Padovan, who may or may not be up to something creepy and in violation of a restraining order.
Taking that bag off your head might cause a heart-stopping panic attack, but our gang of heroes are able to reanimate themselves as the funkiest zombies you've ever seen.
First off, the Jameson advertisement that starts this video off is maybe my favorite product placement in a music video, and not because of the product, but actually for dispensing with the business is a brilliantly clear and forthright way. After that we shift for a gorgous retro TV performance that's soaked with soul and class.
Imagine an alternative harlequin romance novel cover come to life, and you'll somewhat know what to expect to find in this absurd, yet ambitious and serious video.
What's the matter with kids today? This clip provides us with one possible answer. Of course, this being The Neighbourhood, it's [always] black-and-white.