A video within a video where we see Macklemore's young daughter Sloane Haggerty direct her dad in scenes that vary from a vfx balloon ride to a Seattle Kraken hockey game.
Macklemore pays his grandma Helen a surprise visit for her 100th birthday, promising that they can do whatever they want. And even though that set-up would lend itself to easy laughs — and, yes, a male stripper does show up at one point — Macklemore and Grandma are more interesting in tugging those heartstrings.
Time's arrow, love's arrow, fate's arrow... Sometimes they hit their target, sometimes they don't. Fences gets a bullseye, however, with a winning track that gets taken to the next level thanks to contributions by old friends Macklemore and producer Ryan Lewis. The video is a similarly big affair, filled with multiple set pieces where arrows fling out in all directions as Fences finds his way and Macklemore tries to balance his love with the pitfalls of fame.
There's a definite Seattle Strong vibe to this fun new Macklemore & Ryan Lewis video — causing a scene at local landmark Dick's Drive-In and having the original NW mackdaddy Sir Mix-A-Lot make an appearance — but it's also inclusive, making room for the young, the mariachi, and an impressive list of hip-hop celebs.
It's your classic rap "on a white cyc with dancing girl cutaways" set-up, but there's tons of energy and style here with Clinton Sparks, Macklemore and 2 Chainz on the mic, Tommy Lee on the drums, and some energetic camera work.