
Rihanna "Bitch Better Have My Money" (Robyn Rihanna Fenty, Megaforce, dir.)

And you thought owing money to Stitches was a precarious situation? That's nothing compared to what Rihanna is prepared to do when she comes to collect. In this case, an unlucky trophy wife gets subjected to various punishments that range from cruel to unusual, but that's nothing compared to what happens to the deadbeat and decadent accountant who's really the target of RiRi and her girl gang's dirty deeds.

Let's just say there will be blood, and boobs, so consider this one NSFW — unless you work in collections and need a role model.

Is Tropical "Dancing Anymore [NSFW]" (Megaforce, dir.)

IS TROPICAL - "Dancing Anymore" / NEW SINGLE!

The intro is basically a flip-flop of the classic porn trope: Instead of the hunky poolboy who comes to unclog a drain, both with the pool and the previously demure housewife, we get a dorky boy left in care of the house (and pool) by a sexy housewife.

His imagination runs wild and he winds up rummaging through drawers and then his own drawers (if you catch my drift). 

Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Sacrilege" - reversed version (unofficial)

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Sacrilege [Reverse]

Befuddled by the chronologically tricky Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Sacrilege" video, which starts at the end and ends at the beginning? Well, independent editor/composer David Adametz irreversed it, so your linear brain can more easily understand this post-modern immorality tale.

SHOT: Bad Brains - Shavo Odadjian, director

The legendary and influential all-black hardcore band Bad Brains is back. If you're a young'n and have never heard of them — or if you doubt my choice of adjectives  — consider this: Their new comeback album Build A Nation was produced by the Beastie Boys' Adam Yauch and the video for "Give Thanks And Praises" was directed by System Of A Down bassist Shavo Odadjian. That is respect.

The photo shows Odadjian and DP Danny Hiele literally putting their heads together as they plan the next move during one of the three days in Portland, OR and the nearby Sasquatch Music Festival.