The latest installment of the PG4K series from Pitchfork, where GoPro cameras are used to film the entire video. In this case, it's Canadian noise rockers Metz, captured from all sorts of angles.
Try not to guess the plot in “The Swimmer" — LeBlanc + Cudmore’s super-stylish punk whatever video, until you’ve watched it two or three times — the video is more a pastiche than a strictly plot-driven affair. And quite the pastiche it is! Watch as a guy gets baptised, slapped and beaten-up while taking breaks to enjoy the television or watch some kids dancing.
You know a video is odd when the data-moshing is the most "normal" element in it. Director Scott Cudmore gives us a series of off-kilter portraiture shots that look like they were stolen from a Photo Studio run by somebody who enjoyed the chemicals just a bit too much.