Rafe Gibbons

Plunge "Shallow" (Izabella Malewska, Tutku Barbaros, Lilly Pollard, dir.)

I’ve plucked my eyebrows, straightened my hair and whacked some red lipstick on: I’m ready for my date. He arrives. Eyes like the ocean, hair buoyant in the summer breeze, and the unerring confidence of a man who’s as proficient in the kitchen as he is in the bedroom. I look down. You’ve got to be kidding me. A Winkle-picker. A. Mother. Fucking. Winkle. Picker.

Public Service Broadcasting "The Other Side" (Rafe Gibbons, dir.)

On December 21, 1968, Apollo 8 launched on a mission to send the first manned spacecraft into space.

British band Public Service broadcasting made their track “The Other Side,” using recordings from the Apollo 8 transmissions.

The music video for “The Other Side” features footage of the group playing the song to a live audience, all filmed in black and white.

Franky Rizardo "Troubleman" (Rafe Gibbons, dir.)

'Troubleman' is an edgy, dark music video about a man who returns to the place where he had a relationship with a teenage girl there. Franky Rizardo's minimal Dutch House beats are accompanied by a visually suggestive narrative of strange faces, narrow alleyways, and resurfacing memories. Like a London version of Lolita, it explores alienation, sexuality, and the subconscious.