Savage Suon and Andy Wesby

Jon Marco "Rhianna" (Jim Meegan, dir.)

Jon Marco - Rhianna (80's Chase Video)

How about a pitch-perfect homage to some of the most famous movie scenes from the '80s. We're talking recreations of the Back To The Future, The Shining, Ghostbusters, Ferris Bueler, Die Hard, Tron, Temple Of Doom, Risky Business, Teen Wolf, Fast Times, and, well, you get the idea. It's pretty exhaustive (or exhausting).

This is a crazy ambitious video that's all the more impressive since it was done as a true labor of love by people — especially director Jim Meegan and the video's star, Jon Marco —  who probably weren't on your "watchlist" until today.

PS: I bet my Golden Age Of Music Video friend loves that Sports poster in the intro.