Sofia Coppola

Phoenix "Chloroform" (Sofia Coppola, dir.)

Because sometimes a great performance is defined by the audience reaction and not what happens on-stage...

from PopRally, which premiered the video with a lengthy interview with director Sofia Coppola:

Q: Your brother Roman has directed a number of music videos for Phoenix, for which your husband Thomas Mars is the lead singer. Why are you now directing the video for the new song “Chloroform”?

Sofia Coppola: I’ve always loved Phoenix, and the videos Roman did for them. I love the song “Chloroform,” and I had an idea based on a photo, and since I haven’t done many videos, I like trying things that are unfamiliar. The idea came from a photo by Joseph Sterling in his book The Age of Adolescence. Thomas’s sister’s boyfriend, Mateo, who works at the Book Marc store, gave me the book last X-mas.

Watch "Chloroform" via Moma/org's PopRally...