Vincent Morisset

Arcade Fire's Interactive "Just A Reflektor" Video via Google Chrome, a Webcam and Your Phone

The new Arcade Fire video "Just A Reflektor" is more than just that. Yes, you're encouraged to let the browser turn on your webcam and then you go to a special URL on your mobile device so you can hold it aloft and see it impact and get reflected on the screen. But, it's also a showcase for several impressive and processor-intensive technologies that you can go back and explore more in-depth. It's also a tool to bring light to Haiti, a place where the band has previously focused charitable efforts.

But, the main effect if you do as you're directed is that you're forced to pay attention: Your computer is tied-up to create the video effects and your iPhone (or whatnot) is pointing away from you, for once, and you realize that this may be the first seven minutes in a long time where you're not checking your email or otherwise distracted.

And that is the neatest trick of all...