Prepare to enter the arcane depths of what could only be described as THE WORLD'S MOST SUPERNATURALLY PSYCHOTIC NEON BROTHEL. On this week's episode of Steven Schilling's Supernatural Circumstances...... well it may just be our last.
A grimy dose of over saturated pulp and grindhouse grit. Like mixing the unmarked vhs tapes from Uncle Kenny's basement with 1970s American drive-in films. NSFW.
Committing perpetual suicide to create the world's greatest pasta sauce. The Oujia board smells of gasoline. Don't get too cuddly with the teddy bear. What's lurking in the baby pool? He only snorts the albino rats.
Captured in photos in Canoga Park, California. WATTS cast themselves and friends to pull the various stunts and tricks cluttered throughout the video. Enjoy forwards or backwards. Grip tightly, breathing in short bursts.