At the intersection of Hope and music stardom stands Celine Dion, aspiring for universal appeal. On one hand we get Ne-Yo and breakdancers, but also magical storylines with athletetes and street artists, and even a girl communicating via sign language. And if you don't spot the giraffe, that just means you didn't watch the whole way through to the "Incredible" end.
If you're alive and with somebody you love, then there's no excuse to not be as happy as Michael Franti and everyone else in this celebration of a video.
"True North" surely shares some inspiration with the Replacements classic spinning vinyl video, but director Zach Merck focuses more on the listener here than the platter. A young punk puts on the new Bad Religion and loses himself to the music, finding inspiration and community. Which is surely the way it's always been and always will be for bands like this.