
SHOT: Usher - TAJ, director

A salacious teaser spot for the upcoming Usher album, Raymond Vs. Raymond... The story behind the spot is equally scintillating: It was shot on just a few hours notice, as the director TAJ was coming off another shoot. visit Taj's blog for the full scoop...


WATCH IT: Bowling For Soup "No Hablo Ingles"

This little write-up got delayed because I wanted to get Lou Dobbs to review it for the site. I though he could spout off some nicely nativistic (ed: That's the fancy word for hating foreigners) rant about illegal immigrants and their refusal to assimilate and all that other nonsense he used to complain about as "old scared and angry man-in-residence" at CNN. Alas, he was busy retracting all those views as he repositions himself as a politician. Anyway.

SHOT: Britney Spears - Diane Martel, director

  • artist: Britney Spears
  • song: "3"
  • label: Jive/ZLG
  • director(s): Diane Martel
  • production co: HSI
  • producer: Oualid Mouaness
  • DP: Paul Laufer
  • production designer: Paula Good
  • exec producer: Coleen Haynes
  • commissioner: Janet Kleinbaum


WATCH IT: Chris Brown "I Can Transform Ya"

The prevailing notion was that Chris Brown would go "hard" when he made his comeback after Rihannagate. Sure enough, that's what we get. Brown is dressed all in black, baring his chest, even boasting a menacing little wisp of a mustache, while the guest rapper of choice is bad boy Lil' Wayne (no stranger to legal problems himself) in full-on robo(dose)tic free association. Director Joseph Kahn grabs hold of the "I Can Transform Ya" song title and theme — not to mention lyrics that mention Optimus Prime from Transformers — to deliver a video that uses lightening quick transforming effects to transition from person to machine and back again.