Protest Crayon "Soft Engineering (I Will Not Explode)" (I'm With Them Productions, dir.)

Protest Crayon - 'Soft Engineering' (Offical Music Video)

Toy robots to destroy us all... [SG]

'Soft Engineering' is the debut music video from Bristol-based, indie synth-pop duo Protest Crayon, and tells the tale of a small toy robot hell-bent on complete world anhiliation as he travels far and wide to complete his mission. 

Directed by fellow Bristol locals, I'm With Them Productions, 'Soft Engineering' is the first of two collaborative music videos between the band and the film makers. The second video will be released in the coming months ahead of Protest Crayon's debut album, 'Blessing, Cleaning & Cutting', which will be released in July on Bit-Phalanx Music.

Production Company
Director of Photography