Deech "Get Better Boss" (Henry Kaplan, dir.)

Deech - "Get Better Boss"

A Chinese Gang Boss can kick the crap out of anything he wants — especially when that thing is held back by his minions — but a seriously cloudy chest x-ray calls for a different sort of assault. No, not cancer treatment, but something more like the Western hereos he previously watched in the limo. And so, he saddles up for his final confrontation in this strange and beautiful homage to Westerns and Yakuzas. And perhaps strangest of all, the video gains even more odd resonance by dint of the song itself, which you'd more expect to encounter in an elevator than in a short film like this.

Update: The gang is Chinese — they're speaking Cantonese, which likely places their origin as Hong Kong — whereas "Yakuza" denotes Japanese gangsters. That of course doesn't mean there's not an inspiration from Yazuka cinema, but it would be more precise to credit it to Hong Kong gangster films. Perhaps a minor correction, but only if you're a silly American who's only seen Tarantino movies.

Production Company
Director of Photography