Directed by Savannah Setten, it features a brief cameo from Obaro (Ghostpoet). The idea behind the video was as she explains; "Depicting the darker, emotional response I had to the track led me to build a world around an atypical senior citizen (played by John O'Brien) who at 70, finding himself in a society openly discussing gender neutrality, chooses to address his deepest most insular struggles around sexuality and persona.”
GHOSTPOET "Woe Is Meee" (Savannah Setten, dir.)
By Jim Campbell on November 6, 2017 @ 12:00pm PST |
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Production Company
Independent Representative
Editing Company
Executive Producer
Joeseph Bicknell, Colorist
Jospeh Bicknell @ CHEAT, Post-production
Frankie Markot, Stylist
Simon Lakos, First Assistant Camera
Alice Boxall-Knowles, Make-up Artist
Holly Wolfers, Production Assistant