September 2012

WATCH IT: Aimee Mann "Labrador" (Tom Scharpling, dir.)

Maybe there's some Aimee Mann fans who keep wish she'd re-spike her hairl, braid that rat-tail and back with Til Tuesday. That day is not today, but perhaps you'll settle for a faithful remake of their breakthrough "Voices Carry" video. Aimee looks understandably annoyed throughout, but Superchunk drummer and Friend Of Tom Jon Wuster revels in the role of rich douchebag, commanding every scene. The homage is preceded by A Behind The Music intro with Jon Hamm as the director with the genius idea.

WATCH IT: Frank Ocean "Pyramids" (Nabil, dir) -NSFW-

It's a vision quest. 

Frank Ocean fuels up on Absinthe and off he goes, searching for deeeper meaning and a mythical Pyramid, not willing to settle for a strip club of the same name. Nabil laces the clip with lots of small pyschedelic touches, while occasionally going balls-out trippy, most notably with a John Mayer solo section that would make Gary Numan proud.  --> watch "Pyramids" [NSFW]

WATCH IT: Ben Folds Five "Do It Anyway" (Phil Hodges, dir.)

Different types of nerds will geek out over different things in this first new Ben Folds Five in forever. Music nerds get Ben Folds back with his guitarless,punkish, and incorrectly, yet perfectly named trio Ben Folds Five. Hollywood nerds get Anna Kendricks. Comedy nerds get Rob Corddry. And Jim Henson nerds get to see the Fraggle Rock gang back in a new production. Since that's a whole lot of nerds coming together over a music video, it makes sense that the video was a collaboration with popular nerd portal Nerdist, with Mr.
