November 2013

An Interactive Video You Can't Control: ALB "Whispers" (Casper Balslev, dir.)

This "interactive" ALB video could ruin your day. But, don't worry your computer is safe (at least according to the Terms And Conditions that of course I didn't read prior to downloading).

Here's how it works: You download the custom app, which seems like just a video player. And the video itself is quite nice and if you're a dude of a certain persuasion (aka: a sad, lonely dude who likes video girls) you might find yourself lusting after the woman with the magical box (sorry) and wondering why the guy in the video is so full of shame.

And don't worry about interacting with the video, since you have no control over it once it detonates and immerses you in the story. And then you can start to clean up.

PS: Reading the Terms & Conditions is a spoiler.

Innovations Editor Hates Music Video Innovations

Washington Post "Innovations" Editor Matt McFarland has a new column that essentially says, "I'mma let Bob Dylan and Pharrell finish, but PSY made the greatest video of all time!!"

Say what you will about the opinion, but at least McFarland knows that some good old fashioned trolling is good for web clicks.

And he may have a point buried under all that: Interactive and non-traditional videos are at a disadvantage since they can't always be embedded or viewed on mobile. But, as our friend Doug pointed out, that's like criticizing Dylan for going electric in 1965 when that clearly cuts off the base of folk lovers in the countryside who may not have electricity.

In short, I guess if your viewpoint is that music videos shouldn't try to do anything but entertain the lowest common denominator in the most passive way possible, then yes, last week's interactive tour de forces by Pharrell and Dylan are failures.

Shit, most of my favorite videos are probably also failures. Who knew?

Go read "Pharrell and Bob Dylan’s attempts to reinvent the music video fall flat"
