Asian Girlz

The Must Watch "Asian Girlz" by Day Above Ground

Just a bit too late to be named one of the videos of the month [ed: I do love the human loofah segment, but...] , we have the spectacle that is Day Above Ground and the video for 'Asian Girlz.' Gawker has some very lame explanations from the band about how they aren't really racist or that they are poking fun at themselves or whatever. The non-stop racial slurs could maybe get passed off as some kind of Lonely Island-style parody if the band weren't such an oblivious Crazy Town tribute band. Their website is almost worth a visit, just to see them misspell 'Led Zeppelin.'

If you haven't seen this clip you must click and watch just to see the performance of lines like "Your slanted eyes" and "Bruce Lee! Toyota!

Like the director, no one wants their name associated with this post.