When I'm looking for something metal and/or creepy, I turn to director Phil Mucci, who knows how to make his own creepshow videos, but also has a brainful of good/bad stuff. And there's no better day to needle him for some picks than Halloween.
Phil Mucci: If you’re like me, you’re probably sick of the same old list of classic horror music videos trotted out every year, where Micheal Jackson’s Thriller comes in at #1, followed by half a dozen Aphex Twin videos and Ozzy’s Bark at the Moon. For my own list, I decided to pick some of my favorite monster music videos from the last 10 years (sorry, MJ). So if you’re into demonic nuns, over-sexed aliens, shape- shifting parasites, lesbian vampires, and surfing skeletons, this is the list for you. Happy Halloween!
- Q.G. – The Devil’s Plan (dir. by Pierre Teulieres)
- ANIMAL COLLECTIVE – Peacebone (dir. by Timothy Saccenti)
- TOBACCO – Super Gum (dir. by Tobacco)=
- MESHUGGAH – I Am Colossus (dir. by Magnus Jonsson)
- DyE – Fantasy (dir. by Jérémie Périn)
- THE HORRORS – Sheena Is A Parasite (dir. by Chris Cunnigham)
- KASABIAN – Vlad The Impaler (dir. by Richard Ayoade)
- YOUTH LAGOON – Raspberry Cane (dir. by Stephen McNally)
- PANDA BEAR – Surfer’s Hymn (dir. by Sam Fleischner)
- HUNTRESS – Sorrow (dir. by Phil Mucci)
