NEW RELEASE: Audioslave "Doesn't Remind Me"

AudioslaveAudioslave "Doesn't Remind Me" Epic/Interscope
Chris Milk, director
Samantha Storr, producer, production co
Danny Hiele, DP
Livio Sanchez, editor
Description: "Doesn't Remind Me" is an example of the old saying that "The personal is political."  This video is essentially a distillation of something that seems hugely political and severely complex into a small, simple and personal story. The video follows a boy whose interests in toy fighter planes and becoming a boxing champ like Rocky seem utterly commonplace, until we learn that his father was shot down in a fighter plane while flying over Iraq. So, although it may be hard to understand all the complexities of war, it's quite easy to understand an angry child's desperation and confusion over the loss of a dad, especially in a war that many consider to be unnecessary. Adding to the power of the video is the omission of any Audioslave footage, thereby allowing the story to be the complete focus. Chalk this up as another confrontational and potentially controversial video from director Chris Milk. Watch "Doesn't Remind Me" courtesy of in either Real or Windows.
