NEW RELEASE: Cobra Starship "The Church Of Hot Addiction"

Plushy Love The denomination of "The Church Of Hot Addiction" is unclear, but it's certainly one of the more reformed branches. In fact, it's not a church at all, but rather a dingy Mexican den of sin with booze, babes, gambling and co-ed mud wrestling. Cobra Starship frontman Gabe Saporta eventually tires of the debauchery, but gets sidetracked on the way out when he meets a beautiful, lifesize rabbit prostitute. The hot sex leads to a relationship and eventually a wedding (Jewish, no less) and family life. --> watch "The Church Of Hot Addiction" (YouTube)

Cobra Starship "The Church Of Hot Addiction"
(Decaydance/Fueled By Ramen)

Alan Ferguson, director/DP |  The Kompany, production co | Tue Walin Storm, editor
