WATCH IT: Gangrene "Vodka & Ayahuesca" (Jason Goldwatch, dir.)

"Vodka And Ayahuasca" is a dangerous combo, as is a moron and a weapon and lots of other idiotic/genius found footage that direcor Jason Goldwach collated into a series of  pre-release virals to trumpet the latest output from producer Alchemist and rapper Oh No's project, Gangrene. This proper music video makes use of some U-Haul abuse clips, incorporating newly shot footage Gangrene getting down in the back of a truck as it goes on a destructive ride. --> watch "Vodka & Ayahuasca"

Labuda Gangrene
"Vodka & Ayahuesca" (Decon)

Jason Goldwatch, director  | Decon, production co | Labuda Management, rep | Rob Benevidis, DP

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