WATCH IT: Miggs w/ Lindsay Lohan "Let The Games Begin" (Justin Purser, dir.)

Who is Banksy? Might it be... Linsday Lohan? Probably not, but that's the premise of this elaborate video for rock trio Miggs in which Ms. Lohan leads a doublelife as both a starlet and a rebellious graffitti artist. --> watch "Let The Games Begin"

Labuda Miggs
"Let The Games Begin" (Rockridge)

Justin Purser, director | Melissa Larsen, producer | Partizan, production co | Labuda Management, rep | Joshua Reis, DP | Jacquelyn London @Bonch, editor | Bill Pollack @ Bonch, online/vfx | Marshall Plante @ NTropic, colorist

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RocketMan's picture
i just wasted three minutes of my life watching this, its bad. Quality of vid is good, lindsay lohan playing a criminal is not good. Song is ok, was hoping for something special.