WHO IS: Desmondh

Desmondh In the 60s and 70s, we had Pauline Kael. In the 80s and 90s, Siskel and Ebert. Now, in the digital age of user generated content, we have the inimitable Desmondh. As part of the great social experiment that is FNMTV, (you know, that show on MTV where they actually show music videos) the brilliant folks at MTV have created a forum where fans can upload video responses to music videos. Very meta. Rising to the top is 20-year-old University of Georgia student De'smond Henry reporting from what appears to be his dorm room.  His reviews are succinct, merciless, and unintentionally hilarious as he breaks down director Andy Bruntel's trippy trailer park video, "Eraser" by No Age. "It has no concept except running. Everybody is running. They should call [the band] No Walking." He delivers his reviews sentence by sentence as he reads from a piece of paper taped to the camera. Every review is punctuated by him delivering his final word and quickly hitting the stop button. Start the countdown, this kid will probably have his own show by the end of the year. [written by Josh Forbes*] --> watch Desmondh on She & Him "Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?" and No Age "Eraser" and Boys Like Girls "Thunder"

*Josh Forbes covers the videos he wants to cover in this special week as guest blogger on Videostatic...



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<strong>golf chip</strong> Video Static: Music Video News: WHO IS: Desmondh
Tags: Guest Blog, MTV