NEWS: Sam Aslanian Exits DNA

Sam Aslanian is exiting DNA as Vice President and Executive Producer after 15+ years with the company. He'll actually be leaving the music video industry entirely to pursue other interests and spend more time with his family.

DNA's Missy Galanida is replacing Sam as Head Of Music Video/Executive Producer. Caleb Dewart, who has produced many DNA videos over the years, is now the company's Executive Producer of Music Video.

On a personal note, I'd like to thank Sam for all his support over the years. Whether approving an ad for an issue I was working on for CVC Report, or subjecting himself to one of my long-winded interviews, Sam was always happy to help and I will always be appreciative. It's nice to see somebody in the video business ride off happily into the sunset. Best of luck, Sam!

Tags: DNA, News