MTV ALERT: mtvU Woodie Broadcast Tonight

The mtvU Woodie Awards isn't just a good excuse to make an erectile pun, it's also the award show with the best music (so long as yr inclinations veer toward the college rock sorta thing).

The 2008 show makes its broadcast premiere tonight, November 19, at 8pm on mtvU and And, if you have the MTV Networks Palladia network, you can watch the simulcast in HD at 8pm as well.

Since the show was taped last week, spoilers are in order.

Performances include headliners Vampire Weekend featuring Chromeo on a bonafide version of "Kids Don't Stand A Chance," the captivating Lykke Li in a performance that segued into a Q-Tip set, plus performances by Santogold, Asher Roth, Cool Kids and All Time Low.

The sole video-specific winner of the night was Motion City Soundtrack, who won the Best Video Woodie for "It Had To Be You," directed by Lauren Simpson through an mtvU Best Film On Campus contest.

Tags: MTV, News