Too Old To Be New, Too New To Be Classic: 12 Years Of DFA Records (Max Goldman, dir.)

12 Years of DFA: Too Old To Be New, Too New To Be Classic

I was there... Well, somewhat. But I do remember being in NYC as that first DFA crossover hit, The Rapture "House Of Jealous Lovers," washed the city's indie scene into something much more danceable and fun. 

Even if you weren't there, this short documentary captures the vibe of DFA perfectly. Marc Maron narrates. Max Joseph directs. DFA heads Tim Galkin and James Murphy talk. As do many others. And there's of course the music: LCD Sundsystem, The Juan McLean, The Rapture, Holy Ghost and lots more.

It's an inspiring, roughly 12 minute look at people who have commited their lives to making and pushing the music they love over the past 12 years. Worth a watch regardless of whatever you listen to, love and/or push...

Production Company