September 2014

Bo Burnham "Repeat Stuff" (Rami Hachache, dir.)

Bo Burnham knows the secret of a hit pop song. Be vague, be catchy, repeat stuff, and obscure your darkest desires down lest they pop up and scare your audience. Bo could actually use some help on that last element — ie: the fingerbanging references should be masked at least a little bit, you shouldn't let your inner devil voice take over, and tearing a heart out should always be metaphorical. 

Maroon 5 "Animals" (Samuel Bayer, dir.)

Okay. Part of me here thinks that, after his girlfriend was killed, Adam Levine's character lost his sanity and developed a taste for blood. When he sees the object of his latest desire —played by real-life wife Behati Prinsloo — on the job, he develops an unhealthy obsession that he can't wait to enact in reality.

Another part of me thinks that Adam's studied a lot of Criminal Minds episodes and may wish to be a serial killer in his next big film role; This could be considered his audition.

I'm going with scenario three: Maroon 5 reunite with Samuel Bayer to take the primal nature of the song to an extreme - and make sure there are no CGI gerbils driving Kia Souls.

Whatever the case, Adam's having a grand old time in that meat locker. It's worth a few clicks. And Bayer probably loves the opening credits to Se7en as much as you do.
